DEPARTMENTS / Aesthetic cosmetology
Aesthetic cosmetology
One's face, when it is well cared for, attracts attention like a magnet. Our Beauty Institute offers procedures oriented to the long-lasting appearance preservation as well as express solutions that will allow you to look singularly beautiful on the most significant days in your life.Cosmetic lines used in our Institute are the elite of the world cosmetology as they popularize system approach to the skin beauty preservation. Deep purification and moisturisation, so essential for the delicate skin, are harmonically supplemented with the procedures of skin lift and skin "powerup" at the cellular level if manipulations on the skin surface are no more capable of providing desired effect. Exclusiveness of the offered methodics is also based on usage of cosmetics that are exceptionally naturally occurring and based on cellular technologies.
Our Institute's offer uniqueness also consists in using up-to-date machine technologies that allow aerating the skin, performing acidless peel, inserting various microelements and hyaluronic acid into the skin microstructures without falling back on injections, which provides instant aesthetic result.
- JET PEEL gas-liquid peeling / skin oxygen supply
- Facial massage (chiromassage, classic, plastic massage, acupuncture)
- Chemical peel
- Ultrasonic peel
- Dermaheal cosmetic regimens
- Valmont beauty rituals
- VIP LINE Microgei irritative current therapy
- Bellefontaine cosmetic regimens
- Piercing