Hair highlighting is the coloring of hair strands. In comparison with hair coloring, the technique of hair highlighting is more complicated. It requires foil or special paper. One or a few haircolors can be applied for hair highlighting. These colors can contrast or run into one another.
Natural color is in fashion nowadays, but self-shade can sometimes look plain. Shatush will make your hair look shiny and voluminous yet absolutely natural like it is your natural color.
When the Shatush technique is applied for the procedure of hair highlighting, strands are chosen randomly, they can vary in thickness. Any contact of coloring agents with hair roots should be avoided. Each strand is backcombed. A specially prepared agent is applied along all the length of strands, the color is chosen in accordance with the desired degree of hair lightening. Foil is not used for the Shatush procedure. It is very important to keep the strand separated and to control the hair agent holding period. The resulting background color is very beautiful and uniform, no additional toning is required. After the procedure, the hair looks like it has faded in the sun, which looks quite natural. Due to the shaded lines, no clear difference is visible between the colored and the newly grown parts of hair, that is why the hair highlighting procedure can be carried out every 2 to 3 months.
Shatush can help you refresh your hair color without damaging hair structure. It also allows combining natural and contrasting coloring with the formidable depth effect. It looks like flecks of sunlight shine in your hair, changing the hair color from dark to light, from dimmed to deep. The darker color of hair roots provides the depth of shade, while light strands make hair look voluminous. Dark or light contrastive accents, as well as their combinations, allow applying the technique to blonde-haired women, women with brown hair or brunettes. Shatush makes thin hair look voluminous and shiny. Shatush can be applied to hair up to 30% gray – no need to make the background color darker. For women with dark hair, Shatush will provide hair structure reinforcement and reduction of color layering along the length and at the ends of hair.